Online Strike Assaul...

Online Strike Assault: The Ultimate Team Deathmatch Experience Dive into the heart of urban warfare with Online Strike Assault, a third-person shooter (TPS) game that pits two teams, Red and Blue, against each other in an exhilarating team deathmatch setting. Each team comprises six players, fighting for supremacy in a sprawling city landscape where strategy, skill, and teamwork are key to victory. The first team to reach 60 kills wins the battle, promising fast-paced action from start to finish.

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  • Mouse/Touchpad: Most HTML5 games use the mouse or touchpad for primary interactions. For example:
    • Click: Click to select options, start the game, or perform actions like shooting or jumping.
    • Drag and Drop: For games involving dragging elements, hold the left mouse button and move the mouse to drag objects.
  • Keyboard: Some games might require keyboard input. Common controls include:
    • Arrow Keys (↑, ↓, ←, →): Move your character, navigate menus, or control in-game movement.
    • Spacebar: Often used for actions like jumping, shooting, or pausing the game.
    • Enter/Return: Start the game or confirm selections.
    • Esc: Pause the game or access the game menu.
  • Game Objectives:
    • Read the game’s objective, usually provided on the start screen or within a tutorial.
    • Follow any in-game prompts or tutorials that guide you through the first few levels or actions.